Active Net Zero is a joint venture of clean energy specialist Longspur Capital and corporate adviser Radnor Capital Partners.
The ‘Active Net Zero™’ methodology has been pioneered by Longspur and Radnor to evaluate companies based on their actual performance towards the energy transition in a systematic, transparent and repeatable framework.
The need for a deeper, more stringent, methodological review of the inclusion criteria for the clean energy sector is to avoid so-called ‘greenwashing’ which results in Net Zero ‘laggards’ – companies that may have made Net Zero promises, but have yet to deliver material ‘green’ revenues or capex commitments – being included in mainstream, ostensibly ‘clean’ energy indices.
The Active Net Zero Clean Energy Index represents the top 50 European clean energy and related companies that meet these stringent criteria, and then adjusted for market capitalisation and liquidity.
Further information is on the Active Net Zero website.
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